Sunday 27 December 2009

God As A Creator - Quiz questions and answers

First you have a go at some of these...
  1. What is meant by the term “Judeo-Christian tradition”?
  2. Which word, beginning with T describes God as being “beyond” or “other”?
  3. Which word beginning with I describes God as being “here with us now”?
  4. “The human brain is like a computer is an a - - - - - -. (If you’re stuck on this question look at question 10 for a clue.)
  5. Omnibenevolent means - - l l - - - - -
  6. Omniscient means - - l k - - - - - -
  7. Omnipotent means - - l p - - - - - - -
  8. In Genesis we get a picture of God as c - - - - - - -
  9. All that god makes is - - - -
  10. We use an analogy when we say that God is like a c r - - - - m - n


  1. The tradition and beliefs that originate from the Bible; either the Old Testaments (Jewish tradition) or New Testament (Christian tradition).
  2. Transcendent
  3. Imminent 
  4. Analogy 
  5. All-Loving
  6. All-knowing
  7. All-powerful
  8. Creator
  9. Good
  10. Craftsman 

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